What are normal working
hours for GSEC Limited cargo care? |
The warehouse is open 24X7/365 days a year. Whereas normal working hours for cargo
care are 10:00am to 8:30pm, subsequent to this the cargo care activities can be
carried out on Over Time (OT) basis subject to prior customs’ approval.
How do you make
available your Air Cargo Services?> |
We offer customised Air Cargo Solutions under one roof. Our complete perspective
from importers/exporters enables our clientele achieve an operational excellence
at every stage of their Air Cargo Logistics’ need. Attainment of highest standard
of services and enhancement of customer satisfaction has been the key operations
management philosophy. |
I heard: “...that
Air Cargo Export/Import procedure vastly complex...”? |
To facilitate your import & export operational excellence at every stage-for
your Air Cargo Logistic need; our controlled role in line with Customs rules &
procedures has allowed us to demystify Impex procedures through consulting, designing,
to manage and execution. We provide long term experience that adds value to your
To pay custom duties,
is there a bank within GSEC Limited Air Cargo Complex? |
Yes. Bank of Baroda has its extension counter available for all your customs related
transactions. |
What is Air Cargo
Complex-Bank of Baroda timings? |
Air Cargo Complex-Bank of Baroda Timings:
Monday to Friday - 10:30am to 4:30pm Saturday - 11:30am to 2:00pm
What standard of
Air Cargo Services do you provide? |
Our service levels are intended to set the pace in your Supply Chain Management.
With our state-of-the-art technologies; our customised Air Cargo business solutions
with leading edge IT systems ensure seamless integration and pledge full transparency
for your cargo tracking. |
What is the proviso
for our Export Cargo Admission @ GSEC Limited Air Cargo Complex? |
Export cargo is required to be brought in "…ready for carriage condition…"
with proper packing, Bar-coded labelling (if, any), marks & numbers etc. prominently
marked on all sides of packages, duly accompanied by a 'Carting Order' from concerned
airline, Air Waybill, Shipping Bill, Baggage declaration, for admission of Export
cargo @ GSEC Limited Air Cargo Complex. |
How can I locate
customs office for my export Air Cargo? Export Process? |
Customs & Excise office is located within the Air Cargo Complex. All the export
cargo examination procedure is responsibly done by the CHAs suitably appointed by
clients/importers/exporters. This examination is followed by repacking which mandatorily
needs to be done at our ACC-Godown in the presence of customs and appointed CHAs.
This is export process. |
Do Customs permit
payments for prescribed MOT Charges on Sundays & holidays? |
Customs does not permit payments for prescribed MOT Charges on Sundays & holidays,
except with the prior approval of customs; one can make the payment of OT in advance.
What is GSEC Limited
Import Cargo Care procedure? |
When your Import Cargo is received by GSEC Limited from Airlines on said-to-contain
and/or said-to-weigh basis as per Import General Manifestation (IGM) examination
is carried out by Customs in the presence of consignee and/or their authorised CHAs/Representative(s).
"…Delivery of the consignment is effected against the Delivery Order
from the airline and after customs 'out of charge' on payment charges applicable
by GSEC Limited…” Shipments that are not cleared within free period
are subject to demurrage charges. |
What are beyond
normal working hours of Air Car Complex? |
S7:00pm – 10:30pm |
When GSEC Limited
does apply their value addition conveniences?? |
To enable you beyond excellence with your Import & export cargo, we at Air Cargo
Complex provide a wide range of convenient services, which least consists of :
- Separate Warehouse space for Export - Import cargo covered with 24X7 CCTV camera
recording & monitoring features
- Custom office and banking facilities within
the premise
- Bonded trucking facilities
- Hydraulic pallet trucks
Temperature controlled cold storage to cater perishable cargo business segment
Strong rooms for valuable cargo
- Dedicated courier terminal
- Devoted diamond
clearance facilities
- Assistant Drug Controller's office
- Computerised
various departments to increase performance and move towards total automation and
EDI implementation, along with risk, and collateral management
- Organised palletization
Internal X-Ray screening facilities
- Well furnished business centres, along with
conference room to facilitate transact your business
- Organised parking facilities
for synchronised moment of cargo
- 24X7 ample manpower, with year around-backup
team for cargo handling
- Smooth airline frequency to West via Far, and Middle
Eastern hubs
Comparing the above with other capital city Air Cargo Complex in India - our range
of services, accentuates our clientele’s idea. |
Which other international
trade service do you supply? |
Presently we serve fruits & vegetables exports to United Kingdom, and Middle
East segment. Being core competent in Logistics sphere, we are equipped towards
spreading our wings to serve horticultural, other produce, and commodities export
Pertaining to Imports; our services entailed by importers of electronic goods, gold,
& silver dealers, engineering companies, pharmaceuticals, spare parts, and machinery
segments. In addition, our spotlight is on sensitive commodities such as pulses,
sugar, and edible oil. GSEC Limited is optimistic for coal importation, and other
petrochemical products. |
Is GSEC Limited
into any sort of domestic trading too? |
We are persistently spreading our wings to serve domestic trading, in particular
Furnace Oil, and bitumen followed by, other petrochemical products. |